Calculation Forms

Calculations are handled using two forms. One for creation of a new Calculation and another to enter values and execute them.

Creation form

The creation form is very simple with two fields. The first is a combo box where we can select the Expression will bound to the Calculation we create and the second is the unique name will give to it. First CalcIt creates one automatically which we can change in anything else if we want. Pressing the creation is completed.

Execution/Entering values form

Private Output window is not activated

The edit/execution form has a toolbar with all available commands, a section to display the result, the data entry section with prompts for every exported variable of the bounded Expression and finally a place at bottom where the Expression itself appears or the value of Description column if it is defined by CalcIt code or by user hand.

In the section where values are entered, a value can be an expression by itself.  We can write CalcIt code the same way as in any other place. The additional thing we can do there is to access the result of another Calculation above the currently edited in the list.

If we enter an expression in a parameter and we prefer to replace it with its result instead then we double click the parameter text to execute the calculation. The produced result replaces parameter's text.

Private Output window is activated