CalcIt Commands

FILEDEL(FileVar, Index, RecNum, Shrink=false)

Deletes RecNum records from a file starting and including Record at position Index. Data above the deleted area are moved down.

  • FileVar. File variable
  • Index. First record to delete. Is affected by FileRecDef. Records above the deleted records are moved down.
  • RecNum. Number of records to delete. Is affected by FileRecDef
  • Shrink. If TRUE then the file is also shrank to keep only the remaining data. If it is FALSE then  the last RecNum records are filled with zeroes (after the moving of the data down). Is optional. If omitted then FALSE is assumed.

See also Using File Variables, FileRecDef, FileIns, FileAdd, FileToFile, READFile, ArrToFile, Size, FileRecsFileSearch, FileCompare

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