Copies data from a file and returns them as an array. - FileVar. File to copy from
- start. Start copying from start of f. In bytes from the beginning of the file. Optional. If omitted 0.
- NumOfData. Number of AccessType elements to copy. Optional. Rest of FileVar if omitted.
- AccessType. Kind of elements to copy. Can be atBYTE, atWORD, atDWORD, atINTEGER, atFLOAT, positive number for fixed size strings. Optional. Default access type if omitted.
e.g. set a=READFile(f,0,1000,atBYTE); It is used in array expressions. See also Using File Variables, FileRecDef,
FileDel, FileIns, FileAdd, FileToFile, ArrToFile, Size, FileRecs