Use command RGB to for easy color selection. Also there are a number of useful constants: clAqua, clBlack, clBlue, clDEFAULT, clFuchsia, clGray, clGreen, clLime, clMaroon, clNavy, clOlive, clPurple, clRed, clSilver, clTeal, clWhite, clYellow The clDEFAULT has a special meaning. Is not a specific color but for every control represents the default color defined in Windows settings. For Control(s): ctrBUTTON, ctrCHART, ctrCHECKBOX, ctrCHECKLISTBOX, ctrCOMBOBOX, ctrEDIT, ctrGRID, ctrGROUPBOX, ctrLABEL, ctrLEDIT, ctrLISTBOX, ctrMEMO, ctrPAGE, ctrPANEL, ctrRADIOBUTTON, ctrRTFMEMO, ctrSPLITTER, ctrTABPAGE, FORM |